Lone Station Simmentals

our strategy

Key strategies used to inform decision making at Lone Station Simmentals are as follows:

Listen to the Producer
Every year the Stud Manager attends a number of multi-breed bull sales and commercial sales to talk to producers and ask them what they are currently looking for in the next bull regardless of the breed. This advice and feedback is then used to help inform decisions around genetic selection and the preparation of sale bulls.
Continually Improve Genetics
Lone Station seeks to replace its stud sires approximately after four seasons keeping the most desirable females for future use. Where outstanding bulls have been bred internally these will be often be used for selective joining as is the use of Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer Programs. Lone Station does not use EBVs (Estimated Breeding Values) as they are estimated but rather uses actual performance data within the herd to help inform genetic decisions.
Accurate Recordkeeping
Arguably one of Lone Station Simmentals most important strategies is the use of Accurate Recordkeeping. This includes maintaining accurate records of all animals in the herd for a variety of metrics including growth rate, calving performance, animal health and seasonal conditions. Accurate recordkeeping enables the timely removal of non-performing animals, the ability to more accurately predict the hereditary outcomes of joining’s and the ability to flexibly manage stocking rates.
Science Used to Verify Outcomes
Along with accurate recordkeeping and the sale price achieved for bulls Lone Station relies on the use of science to verify desired breeding outcomes. This includes the use of DNA testing, muscle and fat scanning, semen testing and the evaluation of other animal characteristics by independent experts.
Animal Health and Regulatory Framework
Lone Station Simmentals seeks to maintain its entire herd in a condition score of no lower than three for the entire year regardless of environmental factors. Animals follow a strict vaccination program with the herd currently verified as pesti-virus free with a JBAS rating of 7. Other mandatory requirements as specified by government and the beef cattle industry (e.g. Vendor Declarations) are also followed.
Maintain Genetic Diversity
Working closely with the strategy Continually Improve Genetics Lone Station considers maintaining a broad genetic pool an effective way to reduce risk. This is achieved by keeping selected females from a variety of high performing sires and continually bringing in complete out-cross genetics. For individual animals Lone Station considers 12% inbreeding co-efficient as the absolute maximum for registered breeders with up to 8% considered desirable.

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